If you're looking for KissAnime website where you can watch anime online in high quality for free, use the right urls listed below:
  1. kissanime.com.ru
  2. kissanime.is
  3. kissanime.co
  4. kissanime.sx
  5. kissanime.org.ru

All other domains you found on the internet but not listed in the list are fake, please don't use them.

What is KissAnime?

KissAnime is a platform where you can find and watch anime in high quality for free.

Who is KissAnime for?

Anyone who loves anime and want to watch anime either on their phone, tablet or desktop.

The KissAnime Help is an index listing and comparing all different types of Kissanime, applications, and services for consuming anime media. We do not host any copyright infringing files, our services do not enable any sort of file sharing, and we strictly forbid the distribution of copyrighted media. All data is provided faithfully to the best of our knowledge and is subject to change without prior notice. We are not responsible for any of the services listed on the index.